Just recently I had to test my SAML automation for Adobe Experience Manager and faced the problem that I couldn’t test it because I don’t have a running SAML server I can use for testing. But luckily I found out how I can configure Google Suite as SAML provider in AEM.

First thing, for more information about SAML in AEM I recommend you this blog post about SAML and how to configure SAML in AEM.

The steps to configure Google Gsuite as SAML provider in AEM are as follows:

  • Create new SAML Application in Gsuite
  • Configure Gsuite as SAML provider in AEM

Create new SAML App in Google Gsuite

To create a new SAML app in Google Gsuite login to your Gsuite Admin account and create a new custom SAML app

  • Copy SSO URL
  • Download Certificate
  • ACS URL e.g. https://author.aem-opencloud.com:5432/saml_login
  • Entity ID e.g. AEMSSO
  • Attribute mapping:
Application Attribute Information User attribute
mail Basic Information Primary Email
givenName Basic Information First Name
familyName Basic Information Last Name

Now that we configured our SAML application in Google Gsuite we can configure SAML in AEM.

Configure Gsuite as SAML provider in AEM

For configuring Gsuite as SAML provider in AEM

  • Upload certificate to the AEM Global Truststore.
  • Configure Adobe Granite SAML 2.0 Authentication Handler with the following options:

path: /

service.ranking: 5002

idpUrl: the copied SSO URL e.g. https://accounts.google.com/o/saml2/idp?idpid=C03abcde1f

idpCertAlias: Certificate aliase name from the Global Truststore

Now that Google Gsuite is successfully configured as SAML provider in AEM you can try to login with your google Account to AEM.
