Managing ssh connection with an jumphost in between
My useful SSH/SCP commands to work with a Jumphost, but never want to touch it.
Open a Shell on the remot host
To connect a Unix machine which is only accessible via a jumphost directlty, you need to store your public key in the ~/.ssh/authorized_key
file on the jumphost. Afterwards you can access the remote host using following commands:
# example command
/bin/bash># ssh -J jumpuser@JUMPHOST remoteuser@REMOTEHOST
# Command to connect directly to Host which
# is only accessible via Jumphost
/bin/bash># ssh -J cadmin@ zadmin@
[zadmin@ip-10-0-0-1 ~]$
Port Forwarding
To access a Port on the remote Host we can use the buildin feature of TCPForwarding in OpenSSH. This allows us for example to open a HTTP website on our localhost which runs on the remote server.
At first we need to enable TCPForwarding in the Daemon configurationfile of SSH sshd_config
, per default TCPForwarding is enabled at least since OpenSSH Version 7.6p1.
# example command
# Command to connect directly to Host and
# open port 80 on localhost and connect it to port 80
# on the remote HOst
/bin/bash># ssh -L 80: -J cadmin@ zadmin@
[zadmin@ip-10-0-0-1 ~]$
As long as you keep the session open, you are now able to open up your favourite browser and type in following as URL: http://localhost:80
It should open the Website of the connecting remote host. Keep in mind you can do it with every Port(service) which runs on the remote host and listen to a network Port.
If you get an error like this:
channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
Check if the service is really running on the remote host or if the port is listening netstat -tlnp
Filetransfer with Jumphost
We can use scp
to transfer files/ directories to our remotehost via the jumphost, similar to the first example to access the remotehost directly.
# example command files
/bin/bash># scp -oProxyJump=jumpuser@JUMPHOST SOURCE_FILE remoteuser@REMOTEHOST:DEST_FILE
# example command directories
/bin/bash># scp -r -oProxyJump=jumpuser@JUMPHOST SOURCE_PATH remoteuser@REMOTEHOST:DEST_PATH
/bin/bash># scp -oProxyJump=cadmin@ ./index.html zadmin@
/bin/bash># scp -r -oProxyJump=cadmin@ ./gifs zadmin@